Ep. 120 | 5 Questions - Embracing Spring: Diet, Cleansing, Allergy Relief, and Morning Rituals

Text: Episode 120 of The Healing Catalyst Podcast; Image: Photo of light white and yellow flowers in a field, Queen Anne's Lace flowers and more thin stemmed florals

Today launches the "Five Questions" Series, addressing spring-related listener queries with Dr. Avanti and Madeline Reeves. They delve into the transformative power of spring, discussing the significance of aligning lifestyle and dietary habits with the season's energetic shift. They emphasize the importance of lightening the diet, incorporating warm, cooked foods, and engaging in invigorating exercises to shake off winter's heaviness. The conversation also highlights the benefits of morning journaling for setting intentions and fostering self-awareness, alongside practical tips for managing seasonal allergies through Ayurvedic practices. Their conversation highlights the holistic approach to wellness, blending mindful consumption with routines that honor the body's natural rhythms.

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Today on The Healing Catalyst:

  • Tips for transitioning to spring and daylight savings adjustments for sleep

  • How to approach Ayurvedic cleansing/digestive rest

  • Spring dietary recommendations 

  • Natural remedies, supplements, and foods for allergy relief

  • Mindful consumption: approach coffee and other stimulants with consciousness


Connect with Dr. Avanti:

Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh, is an Ayurveda Wellness Expert on a mission to show how Ayurveda is a health catalyst to achieve optimal wellness in modern life.

Over the two decades of her training, study, and research, Dr. Kumar-Singh has shared her expertise with Fortune 500 companies, at elite undergraduate and graduate institutions, and at prestigious industry and medical conferences. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, goop, Thrive Global and mindbodygreen, and served as the co-lead facilitator of the Faculty Scholars Program in Integrative Healthcare at the OSHER Center for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern Medicine. Dr. Kumar-Singh is also the author of The Health Catalyst.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions.


Ep. 121 | Breaking Taboos and Bridging Cultures: A Sexual Health Conversation with Kaamna Bhojwani


Ep. 119 | Feeding the Soul: The Power of Cultural Nutrition and Food Stories with Ashley Carter, RD