Ep. 90 | Unveiling Vulnerability: A Mother-Son Conversation on Cancer and Healing

Text: The Healing Catalyst Podcast with Zayn Singh, Episode 90. Photo: Zayn Singh sit at a table outdoors in a light blue suit. He's smiling at something off camera

In this heartfelt and deeply personal episode, Dr. Avanti is joined by her son, Zayn Singh, for a candid conversation about her cancer journey. Zayn, a counseling and psychology student, provides supportive insights from his perspective as they delve into the emotional aspects of Avanti's experience. They explore the concept of holding two emotions simultaneously, the manifestation of stuck emotions in the energy body, and Avanti's deep inquiry into emotions such as anger, gratitude, isolation, connection, shame, freedom, guilt, and relief. Avanti shares her experience of expressing feelings she would normally hide, the challenges of hair loss and its impact on identity, and the journey of acceptance she is going through.

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Today on The Healing Catalyst:

  • Avanti's cancer journey and her current emotional state

  • Holding conflicting emotions: The power of "but, and, also"

  • Manifestation of stuck emotions in the energy body and their physical impact

  • Deep inquiry into conflicting emotions and their significance in Avanti's journey

  • Identity and hair loss: Acceptance and self-acceptance


Connect with Zayn:

Connect with Dr. Avanti:

Dr. Avanti Kumar-Singh, is an Ayurveda Wellness Expert on a mission to show how Ayurveda is a health catalyst to achieve optimal wellness in modern life.

Over the two decades of her training, study, and research, Dr. Kumar-Singh has shared her expertise with Fortune 500 companies, at elite undergraduate and graduate institutions, and at prestigious industry and medical conferences. She has been featured in the Huffington Post, goop, Thrive Global and mindbodygreen, and served as the co-lead facilitator of the Faculty Scholars Program in Integrative Healthcare at the OSHER Center for Integrative Medicine at Northwestern Medicine. Dr. Kumar-Singh is also the author of The Health Catalyst.

The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions.


Ep. 91 | Harmony in Design: Maria Cornejo's Approach to Fashion and Well-Being


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