Coffee, Hip-Hop, & Mental Health: Meeting People Where They Are

Text: The Healing Catalyst; Image: Christopher, a black man, is looking away from the camera candidly with a neutral facial expression, he is wearing a knit cream turtle neck with a dark brown blazer on top

As I reflect on my conversation with Christopher LeMark, Founder and CEO of Coffee, Hip-Hop, & Mental Health, an advocacy group challenging the stigma surrounding mental health, I’m filled with gratitude. More than once during our time together, I was brought to tears. Christopher is doing important work in mental health and powerful things for the Black community. We covered a lot of ground during our conversation. I encourage you to listen because this episode of the Healing Catalyst podcast is steeped in rich wisdom from Christopher and his journey.

Personal Struggles as a Mirror

Christopher shares his reckoning with himself, realizing he needed therapy. “I knew I wanted to live, I just didn’t know how to do it,” he recalls. More than most other communities, he shares how Black people are affected by many unseen and invisible triggers. From childhood and intergenerational trauma to the greater community and systemic injustices, Christopher comments on what Black people have endured and reflects on the centuries of unprocessed grief and trauma. “It’s exhausting and we cannot breathe. [And as white people] you don’t get it and say ‘it’s over.’”

Meet Physical Needs First

Christopher shares that when he first started his organization, he quickly realized that mental health needs are addressed by meeting physical needs first and the needs of basic survival, including food, clothing, and shelter. Similar to my approach in Ayurveda, Christopher is also most interested in addressing the root causes of mental health struggles. He knows a person is better equipped to talk about their trauma if they have a full stomach, warm clothes, and a safe space to sleep. And he knows that ultimately, to help people better navigate life, they need mental health support. 

I was truly moved by my time with Christopher and I trust that as you listen, you’ll be inspired as well.

Connect with Christopher:

Be well,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

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