Welcoming Spring with Ayurveda: 5 Questions with Dr. Avanti and Madeline Reeves

Text: The Healing Catalyst; Image: Madeline smiling brightly at the camera wearing a olive green top, hoop earrings, and various tattoos across arm. She is sitting down at a desk with a pen and journal at hand.

Spring is a season of renewal, offering a fresh start and a chance to align with nature’s rejuvenating energy. It’s the time when our intentions start to blossom and we leave “hibernation mode” to begin taking action. In my recent conversation with my friend Madeline Reeves, who is a branding and marketing strategist and certified Yoga instructor. Together, we answered five questions from my audience about making the most of Spring through the lens of Ayurveda.

Question #1: According to Ayurveda, what are the diet changes I should be making to ensure my lifestyle is in transition with Spring?

Answer: It’s important to adjust our lifestyle and dietary habits to match the season's vibrancy. Lightening the diet with warm, cooked foods and incorporating invigorating exercise can help shake off the heaviness of winter. Vegetables such as asparagus and dark leafy greens are great for this time of year.

Question #2: In Ayurveda, why is cleansing in springtime good, and how can I do it at home?

Answer: From an Ayurvedic perspective, Spring is the ideal time for cleansing, allowing our bodies to let go of what's no longer needed and planting seeds for future growth. A key aspect of cleansing is giving our digestive system a rest, which kindles our digestive fire. This is crucial for maintaining balance and ensuring our body efficiently keeps what it needs and eliminates what it doesn’t.

Question #3: How does Ayurveda explain seasonal allergies and what are some natural allergy remedies that can help with congestion?

Answer: Seasonal allergies, often a result of an accumulation of Kapha (earth and water elements) and ama (toxins), can disrupt our well-being. Boosting the immune system and ensuring the elimination of Kapha and ama are pivotal in managing seasonal allergies effectively. Listen to the episode to hear more about how to do this!

Question #4: Why should we pay attention to our coffee consumption? Is coffee actually beneficial or harmful? 

Answer: I advise waiting 90 minutes after waking up to enjoy your coffee, aligning its consumption with the body’s natural rhythms for an optimal energy boost. In addition, choosing clean, organic coffee and consuming it in moderation can significantly improve its benefits, emphasizing conscious consumption over habit.

Question #5: How can morning journaling support my Ayurvedic practice? 

Answer: Madeline shares how restarting her morning journal exercise has helped ground her for the day ahead. I share how it fosters my own self-awareness and sets a positive tone for the day. By reflecting first thing in the morning, we can tap into a state of universal intelligence, enhancing focus and productivity while identifying and letting go of unnecessary burdens.

This quick highlight is only a small portion of what we covered in this episode. It’s full of practical tips you can use to support your health during this Spring season. Have a listen and let me know what resonates most with you.

Be well,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

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