Ayurveda for Spring: How to Tackle Allergies & Update Your Routine

Roses are arranged at the corners of the image. They transition from a dusty pink color gradually to a white flower.

Each season, we accumulate toxins particular to the time of year. During the cold winter months, the balance of elements tends towards heavy, moist, stable, and cool qualities in our environment and bodies. We call this mixture of earth and water elements Kapha. Just as the ground thaws and animals end hibernation, we also want to “shake off” the heaviness of winter. This allows us to lean into the new and tender growth of the season, free from the accumulation of winter.

Ayurvedic cleansing for spring.

When we talk about cleanses in Ayurveda, we’re not talking about juice diets. Instead, a cleanse is a “digestive rest” that allows your digestive fire to rest and then reset. Your digestive fire allows your body to eliminate any incoming toxins so that you don’t accumulate them and develop symptoms of illness. And this goes beyond the metabolic processes happening in your gut. From an Ayurvedic perspective, toxins can accumulate in any area of your life…whether it be in your relationships, your career, your diet, or your environment.

The purpose of an Ayurvedic cleanse is to reset the digestive system, eliminate toxins, and restore balance. When you’re living in harmony with nature and effectively processing toxins, your total health improves—mind, body, and spirit.

Seasonal transitions are ideal times to practice an Ayurvedic cleanse to eliminate toxins accumulated so we don’t carry them into the next phase of nature’s cycle.

3 tips to reset your routine:

  • Reflect on the lessons of winter and set intentions for your spring

  • Eat foods that are in season to align your diet with nature

  • Start your day with the sun by getting outside and moving before 10 am

Ready to embrace an Ayurvedic cleanse?

Jumpstart your journey to renewed vitality with my 3-Day Reset. I practice this digestive rest every season to revitalize my health and energy. It’s a great way to reboot your internal clock, give yourself space for reflection, and eliminate toxin build-up. You’ll get everything you need for your cleanse, including a daily schedule, recipes, routine suggestions, and meditations.

I also recommend Divya’s Ayurvedic Reset Kit which includes ready-made soups, quick kitchari packets, health-supporting teas and broths, and more recipes. Divya is a colleague, friend, and frequent guest on The Healing Catalyst Podcast. She’s truly a master of Ayurvedic cooking. Get 15% off your order when you use code AVANTI15.

Tackle seasonal allergies with Ayurvedic remedies.

From an Ayurvedic perspective, allergies are the result of the accumulation of toxins and the build-up of Kapha, the earth and water elements, throughout winter. This accumulation creates an imbalance in the body that decreases your immunity and your ability to fight off infections, viruses, and allergens in the air. The remedy is to boost your immune system to help you achieve balance.

2 remedies for seasonal allergies:

  • Try nasal irrigation with saline solution to clear allergens and irritants from your nasal passages. You can use a Neti Pot or a nasal flush system (I love using NeilMed’s Complete Sinus Rinse Kit).

  • Practice pranayama or breathwork. Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath) and Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing) can help improve your respiratory strength.

To learn a few more of my favorite allergy remedies, listen to Ep. 120 of The Healing Catalyst Podcast, Embracing Spring: Diet, Cleansing, Allergy Relief, and Moring Rituals.

And remember, these remedies help alleviate symptoms and boost your immunity. It’s still important to consult with your physician, particularly if you have more severe symptoms.

Eat for spring health.

Have you ever noticed that your cravings change with the season? There’s a reason we enjoy warm and heavy foods during cold months but want refreshing meals on the hottest days of the year. The seasons also impact our bodies’ needs. In Ayurveda, we believe that Mother Nature always provides exactly what we need.

Support your health during spring by incorporating foods that are in season wherever you live. Opt for fresh produce whenever you can to nourish and energize your body. To help clear winter accumulation, look for foods that are pungent, bitter, and astringent— leafy greens such as kale, spinach, collards, and arugula are my favorites for spring. Add warming spices to dishes and teas like cinnamon, ginger, black pepper, garlic, and clove.

Drink Kadha Tea to clear spring congestion.

This is one of my favorite Ayurvedic remedies for spring because it helps shake loose mucus while building your immunity.

You just need 4 ingredients:

  • Black peppercorn

  • Ground clove

  • Cinnamon

  • Peeled ginger

Get the recipe for Kadha Tea to relieve congestion and burn off toxins.

I hope you give yourself space this season to do a little spring cleaning for your health–body, mind, and soul.

Be well,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

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