5 Biohacks for Better Sleep to Improve Your Health

an empty bed with a warm lamp shining on the bed.

It’s midnight. You’ve been lying in bed, awake and staring at the ceiling for an hour. You’re thinking about all the things you need to do tomorrow…but wait, now you’re thinking about all the things you didn’t get done today. No, now you’re thinking about your email inbox because you checked it right before you got into bed. And on and on your mind goes…racing and bouncing from one thought to another. The next thing you know, you look at your alarm clock and see it’s 1 am.

A lot of us aren’t sleeping well.

Does this sound familiar? If it does, you’re not alone. In our over-stressed, over-caffeinated, busy-busy-busy, fast world it’s really hard to slow down. According to new data from the National Sleep Foundation, only 27 percent of adults in the United States get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep per night during weekdays and only 10 percent prioritize sleep over other daily activities. Many of us just don’t think sleep is as important as other things in our life.

Inadequate sleep = health problems + weight gain.

When we don’t have adequate sleep, we sabotage our efforts to self-heal and restore well-being. Sleep is critical for every process in the body, for mental clarity and emotional health. During sleep, hormones that regulate everything from metabolism to growth, development, and psychological state are released. Studies show that inadequate sleep contributes to cardiovascular diseasemood disordersdecreased immune function, insulin resistance, and overall lowered life expectancy. When you plan for adequate and good sleep, you are planning for health and healing.

Biohack your way to better sleep.

  1. Turn off anything that glows. Turn off all electronics at least one hour before bed. The constant sounds, lights, and images on TVs, computers, phones, tablets, and gaming devices keep the mind active and engaged. By turning these devices off at a set time every night, you send a signal to the mind to “relax”.

  2. Clear your mind. Reflect on your day with prayer, journaling, or gratitude- anything that feels authentic to you. By processing the day that has passed, you give your mind space to rest and relax.

  3. Meditate with tea. A regular, daily practice of meditation can help reduce stress and increase a sense of inner peace, which promotes a level of well-being that benefits the mind and body alike. Studies have shown that meditating for just 3-10 minutes a day has the same cumulative effects as those gained from 30 minutes a day. Mindful preparation of herbal tea and drinking it with intent is a simple form of meditation that is easy to learn and powerful to do.

  4. Rub your feet. Our feet literally carry the weight of the day, all day every day. Our feet connect us to the earth providing stability and grounding. A foot massage with your favorite cream or oil creates a sense of being rooted, which decreases anxiety and tension and contributes to deep relaxation…which improves sleep.

  5. Go to bed by 10 pm. I know that 10 pm may seem impossible for some of you, so start with whatever your current bedtime is and get into bed 15 minutes earlier for a week. Keep moving your bedtime closer to 10 pm by 15-minute increments. When you make 7-8 hours of sleep a priority your body will have more time to repair and regulate itself. When you make sleep a priority, you make your health a priority.

Sweet dreams & be well.


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

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