Travel Products & Tips to Protect Your Health

two suitcases in a beautifully lit room. the colors are soft and warm and inviting.

How many of you love to travel…but dread the traveling part?

I know I do. Between the packing, air travel, time zone changes, and hotel stays—it’s enough to take all the fun and joy out of experiencing new places, cultures, and perspectives.

Travel causes imbalances in the mind and body.

According to Ayurveda, traveling can aggravate the Vata dosha because when you move quickly from place to place or time zone to time zone, the elements of air and space increase in the body and mind. This is the reason we sometimes feel a little out of sorts when we arrive at our destination.

The Vata dosha, or mind-body constitution, combines the elements of air and space. Vata governs all movement in the mind and body….movement of the body through space, movement of thoughts across the mind and at a microscopic level—the movement of blood in our vessels, breath in our lungs, and nutrients in our cells. Common Vata travel symptoms include anxiety, stomach upset, constipation, and difficulty sleeping.

How to balance travel symptoms.

Eat meals at regular times.

Eating on the road is always a challenge—being in a new place and not knowing what will be available at restaurants in/near the hotel makes it difficult to eat health-supporting foods.

Try these 3 strategies:

  1. Stay near a health food store. I like having access to fresh basics so I won’t resort to eating processed and packaged foods.

  2. Ask your hotel for a refrigerator. Being able to store a few fresh items is a game-changer. Be sure to ask if a refrigerator is available, even if your room doesn’t automatically include one.

  3. Pack breakfast basics. I always have Nature's Path Instant OatmealJustin's Almond Butter Packs, and dates with me. All I need is hot water from a coffee shop, restaurant, or room service, and I can make my “Almond Butter Oatmeal”.

Stay warm.

Travel increases the elements of air and space, both of which have cooling qualities, according to Ayurveda. To balance those cooling qualities, make sure you stay warm. It may be counterintuitive to stay warm on a flight to a warm destination, but you want to protect yourself on the plane, too.

  • Bring layers. I always travel with a shawl, a scarf, or a blanket for the “weather” on the plane.

  • Drink something warm. I sip ginger tea or warm water with fresh ginger—which I keep in a small container—while traveling. Warm water grounds and calms an anxious mind, while ginger soothes the stomach and encourages elimination. My favorite products are my S'well travel flask and ginger tea from Pique or Pukka

Maintain morning and evening routines.

Travel can be tough on the internal rhythms of the body. To help keep my internal clock in sync, I try to maintain as much of my morning and evening routines as possible. Not only is this comforting, but it’s also grounding and counter-balances travel symptoms, such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and constipation.

  • Rise and sleep at your regular times. I set my travel alarm clock, wake up, and go to sleep at the same times as I do at home…even though I’m tempted to sleep in and stay up late. If I use my phone as my alarm, all my good intentions go down the social media rabbit hole.

  • Soothe your nerves with an oil massage. I massage my body with Banyan Botanicals Daily Massage Oil when I arrive at the hotel and every evening before bed. If I can’t oil my whole body, I apply oil to the soles of my feet.

  • Move and meditate. I do 10 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of meditation every morning. It helps me center myself to quiet my mind and move my body in familiar patterns. This lightweight Travel Mat by Manduka has been my go-to travel mat for the last 6 years.

With a little planning and attention, you can balance your body and mind, protect your immunity, and maintain your well-being. Most importantly, you’ll enjoy your travel adventures much more.

Be well…adventure awaits,


Avanti Kumar-Singh, MD

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